Whitening our finances
As posted in the Jerusalem Post September 25th, 2020
"Yom Kippur,…

Keeping it simple: The Shofar and investments
The simple sounds of the Shofar are a wake-up call for us to get back to basics.
For a few people, the more convoluted the investment, the better, but for 99% of the population, investing in complicated schemes is not recommended.
In the case of personal finance products, simplicity is not just something useful; it is an absolute necessity.

Don’t think too much about your investments
One of the most important aspects to a secure financial future is picking an investment strategy and sticking with it

Rosh Hashana: A Sweet Financial New Year Through Reflection
While spiritually preparing ourselves takes front and center at this time of the year, now is a great time to hit the reset button on our finances and get back on track financially.